How to Step into the Shoes of Walter White with Your Costume

Breaking Bad is a television show that has captivated audiences worldwide. The show may have ended years ago, but it still has a massive fan following. One of the most iconic characters from the show is Walter White – the terminally ill high school chemistry teacher who turns to cooking and selling meth to provide for his family. His transformation from a meek and mild-mannered teacher to a ruthless drug lord is one of the most memorable character arcs in TV history. If you’re a fan of Breaking Bad, you might want to pay tribute to this unforgettable character by dressing up as Walter White for Halloween or a cosplay event. In this article, we’ll show you how to step into the shoes of Walter White with your costume.

The Clothing

The first step in creating a Walter White costume is getting the clothing right. Walter White’s clothing is simple and understated, consisting of a green button-up shirt, khaki pants, and brown work boots. You can easily find a green shirt and khaki pants at any clothing store. Make sure the shirt has two pockets on the chest, and the pants are straight-legged. For the boots, you can purchase brown work boots or use any brown shoes you already have. To complete the look, tuck in the shirt and wear a brown belt.


The Accessories

To truly embody Walter White, you’ll need a few key accessories. The first is a pair of round, wire-rimmed glasses. You can find these at any costume store or online. If you have prescription glasses, you can remove the lenses and wear them as part of your costume. The second accessory is a bald cap or a bald wig. Walter White is bald due to chemotherapy treatment, so this is an important part of the costume. You can find bald caps and wigs at any costume store or online. The third accessory is a fake mustache. Walter White’s mustache is thick and bushy, so you’ll need to find a fake mustache that matches this description. You can find fake mustaches at any costume store or online.


The Props

To complete the Walter White look, you’ll need a few props. The first is a gas mask. In the TV show, Walter White and his partner Jesse Pinkman wear gas masks while cooking meth to protect themselves from harmful chemicals. You can find a gas mask at any costume store or online. The second prop is a bag of blue rock candy. This is a nod to the blue meth that Walter White and Jesse Pinkman cook in the show. You can find blue rock candy at any candy store or online. The third prop is a toy gun. Walter White is a drug lord, so it’s fitting that he carries a gun. You can find toy guns at any toy store or online.


Hair and Makeup

To truly step into the shoes of Walter White, you’ll need to do some hair and makeup. If you’re using a bald cap or wig, make sure it’s secured properly and blended well with your skin. You can use makeup to create a sickly and pale complexion. Walter White is supposed to look unwell, so you can use some powder or eye shadow to create dark circles around your eyes. Since Walter White is bald, you don’t need to worry about styling your hair. However, if you’re not using a bald cap, make sure to shave your head or trim your hair to create the bald look.



Dressing up as Walter White is a great way to pay homage to one of TV’s most iconic characters. The key to creating an authentic costume is in getting the clothing, accessories, and props right. The green shirt, khaki pants, and brown work boots are the most important parts of the costume. The accessories, such as the wire-rimmed glasses, bald cap or wig, and fake mustache, will bring the costume to life. Props like the gas mask, bag of blue rock candy, and toy gun will add authenticity to your costume. Finally, the hair and makeup will create a sickly and pale complexion, completing your transformation into Walter White. With these tips, you’ll be able to step into the shoes of Walter White and bring this unforgettable character to life.