Are there any potential safety concerns with using a purge mask

Purge masks are an essential part of diving gear that helps divers clear water from the mask’s interior. While the purge mask is a preferred choice for many divers, it is not without its potential safety concerns. These concerns include mask failure, limited field of vision, fogging, inappropriate use, and maintenance. All of these concerns can lead to compromised safety while diving, and in this article, we will examine each of them in more detail.

Mask Failure

One of the significant safety concerns with using a purge mask is the potential for mask failure. A purge mask failure can occur when the mask is either not fitted correctly to the face or has a broken seal. When this happens, water can enter the mask, causing the diver to lose visibility and potentially leading to a panic situation. This panic situation can be compounded if the diver is not trained to handle a mask failure, leading to a potentially hazardous scenario.

In addition to incorrect fitting, another type of mask failure can occur when the mask’s valve system malfunctions. This malfunction can prevent water from being purged from the mask, leading to a similar loss of visibility and potential safety risks.

Limited Field of Vision

Another potential safety concern associated with using a purge mask is the limited field of vision. Unlike traditional masks, purge masks are designed with smaller lenses, which can provide a narrower range of visibility. In environments with low visibility, or where the diver is unfamiliar with the surroundings, this can be particularly hazardous since the diver may miss critical information about their surroundings and potential hazards.

To minimize the risk of limited visibility, divers should ensure that their masks fit correctly and maintain good situational awareness while in the water.


Fogging is another potential safety concern that can occur when using a purge mask. When moisture inside the mask comes into contact with the cooler lenses, it can cause the lens to condense and form droplets. This can obstruct the diver’s vision and potentially lead to disorientation, increasing the safety risk.

Defogging solutions can help prevent fogging, but they are not always effective. Divers must ensure that their lenses are appropriately defogged before diving and be prepared to clear the mask if necessary.

Inappropriate Use

Another significant safety concern that can arise when using a purge mask is using it inappropriately. Purge masks are designed specifically for diving and should not be used for other activities such as snorkeling or swimming. Using them inappropriately can lead to a range of safety concerns including mask failure, limited visibility, and potential disorientation.

Divers should always ensure that they are using the appropriate gear for the activity they are participating in. Using the right gear is an essential aspect of dive safety.


Proper maintenance of purge masks is essential for ensuring safety while diving. This includes regular cleaning and storage of the mask in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Additionally, divers should replace any worn or damaged parts of the mask and ensure that the valve system is functioning correctly.

A mask that is not correctly maintained can lead to increased risks of mask failure, fogging, and limited visibility while diving.


In conclusion, purge masks are an essential piece of diving gear that can make diving safer and more comfortable. However, they are not without their potential safety concerns. These concerns include mask failure, limited field of vision, fogging, inappropriate use, and maintenance. By being aware of these safety concerns and taking steps to mitigate them, divers can enjoy the benefits of using a purge mask while minimizing the risks. The best approach is always to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mask use and maintenance, ensuring that the mask is appropriately cleaned, stored, and inspected before each dive.